Thursday, May 3, 2018

Creative Evangelism in Cuba
March 2018
Greetings and Blessings to you all!

Cubans are taking to the streets in creative waves of evangelism. Since the Communist government prohibits open evangelism and imposes unreasonable restrictions on evangelistic campaigns and churches, Cubans have to think differently to spread the Gospel.

Richer Perez, embodies these new forms of evangelism as he participates in the Marhabana-Maranatha pictured below. Perez won the marathon wearing a shirt that said, “When everything is dark, Jesus is the light!” Not only was he a billboard for the good news of Christ during the race, but he also knelt in worship after crossing the finish line. Joining him on this secular sports event were almost twenty evangelical pastors also wearing biblical messages. Their churches supported from the crowd, holding up signs of salvation, as bold, united, and involved as the church should be.

 In 2017, the Cuban evangelistic campaign “Poder para Transformar,” united 31 denominations, 362 churches, reached more than 46,000 people. The highly organized creative campaign counted on a committee of pastors and commissions of intercession, sports, culture, social work, and children’s work, areas that the Cuban church has creatively developed for years. Christians in Cuba are stretching the boundaries of evangelistic outreach, flooding the streets with booklets and organizing fun events for children and concerts for adults. They are determined to captivate in new ways.  

Richer Perez's story has showed us the power of one who goes into the world's secular platforms carrying the message of Christ.  Poder para Transformar has reminded us of the vigor and strength of the church coming together in strategic ways to reach the lost, whatever it takes.  The Cuban church, pressed but not crushed, has found outlets of creativity and freedom within, to advance the message of the cross personally and together. 

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